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Update: Project Status


Just a update about the status of the project for everyone. The game itself has not been cancelled, actually it is just on hold until Rudy & Phil have more time in their schedule. Rudy is actually working on a few other small projects & because of this has gained the knowledge to be able to facilitate all of our design features. This will be a big step in the right direction when we return our focus back to this! Have a great holiday!

From → Update

  1. Well, it is June 11, 2016 now and I decided to make my own Mech game like this in Unity and also support for VR. If anyone likes to help, let me know.

  2. They’re planning to finish the game obviously, that’s why they’re still holding on to the code. But really… 2 years ? they’ve been so busy for 2 years that they couldnt even post an update? its time they drop this. There are a lot of people out there that are wiling to finish this game

  3. dd. 13 of april – 2015 … Got this link from the youtube link, of your demo from 2012… i hink most of us would back you up if you would just put a link on kickstarter?

    Best of luck and hope you find time to finish this game

    Michael M
    Dskd Industuel Design

    • They can’t. IP issues. If they were to rename everything, and set it apart in several ways from BattleTech, they could do that.

  4. well that sucked.

  5. It is 2015 now. Any news about your great work?

  6. It’s dead Jim?

  7. development hell sucks

  8. Any dev still around to drop the project files for us? I would love to be the one to continue this!

  9. Welp, this game is now dead. Once I finish learning programming, I might try to make this myself. Would be hard, but worth it.

  10. Is it dead 😦

  11. Update, please?

  12. I hear ya. I keep checking back looking for updates hoping like heck to see something and praying this game doesn’t just disappear. This is one of the few games I actually have money set aside for just waiting for it to go on sale! XD

  13. Желаю закончить начатое, это было бы круто!!!

  14. You guys are not alone in that sentiment. looking forward to see this to completion. Way better than MechCommander!

  15. Me too. Can not wait to see what else comes out of this game.

  16. Crossing my fingers that this project does not die!

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